The 10 types of Pinay girls that can be really annoying!

      No one is perfect and we are certainly not claiming that you should be. However there are some what we call "ugali" or characteristics that women have which can get into the nerves of us guys. Some of these, girls may not even be aware that they have. Below are the 10 types of girls that can be quite annoying to deal with.

1. Little miss perfect – Some girls simply think that they are perfect and everyone else is flawed. Kaya lagi nalang may makikitang mali. “Pango si ganito, masama ugali ni ano, ang baduy naman nya, mayaman sana kasa kuripot” – These are a few of the comments you can usually hear from her.

While these may be just factual information, hearing a lot of negative comments per day from one person(especially your girlfriend) can be pretty annoying. I’m sure you know someone like this.

2. Never on time – This girl will always ask you to arrive at an exact time whenever she wants to meet with you, but you will always end up waiting for an hour or two for her.

Seriously, we men can accept the fact that you need a good amount of time to prepare yourself and look really good when you meet with us. We are actually very flattered about it; but can you please just tell us exactly what time you can really arrive?! Thanks!


3. Suddenly a Bekimon – Okay I have nothing against any particular lingo. They can actually be cute at times and even endearing.What’s annoying is if nagpakilala yung girl sayo as someone classy and refined, and then when she’s with her friends she turns to a completely different person.

The way she acts and speaks becomes alien to you, and she uses another form of language like jejemon or bekimon. It 's very surprising indeed – in a “turn-off” kind of way. Some of us men actually still do expect our ladies to be like, well… ladies!

4. The competitive Amazona – Every other girl is her competition and is out to get her. She strongly believes in this notion!She’s a hater, she just doesn’t admit it or probably know it yet.

She will always push herself to have whatever her friends have. “Kung sya may branded na bag, dapat ako din!” “Kung boyfriend nya si ano, ako din gawin kong boyfriend yun!” – creepy…

5. The overly selfie – yes, we have to accept the fact that selfie pics are probably here to stay. It can be annoying though if the only things your girlfriend posts on FB are nothing but selfies.

Doesn’t she have anything to say at all? No opinions,no recommendations, no character???

6. The Social Network Drama queen – All of us have issues to deal with, but if she posts all of her issues on FB, then the boyfriend is definitely in for a lot of trouble.

The social network drama queen gets her strength from the followers that try their best to comfort her, in turn this habit becomes very addicting for her. My advice to men – if you can’t handle a person like this, stay away at all cost!

7. Ms. Negativity – This girl thinks that something will always go wrong. In your relationship, she can easily become paranoid and think the worst things about you.

Your simple innocent actions can be interpreted by her as something else entirely. She believes that you’re awfully sweet today, because you’re cheating on her. Medyo masakit sa ulo. :P

8. Ms. Needy – She needs you to text her every hour, reply to all her messages, tell her everything that you are doing, and probably even describe to her what you just ate.

It can be really charming at first, and you will definitely feel that you are cared for; but if your girl is very needy,then sooner or later you will realize that you no longer have a life of your own.Relationships require that you remain close with each other, while of you still maintain your own separate space.

9. The control freak – this habit usually starts with the girl buying you some clothes or perfume as a gift. Next thing you know, you no longer have your own choices.

She will be the one to tell you what you can or cannot wear, and how you are supposed to act in front of her friends.She wants a perfect boyfriend, and if you’re not that person she will do her best to change everything about you.

10. Only there when she needs you – Beautiful girls know they are pretty and often times they will use that to their advantage. I personally can’t blame them.

Honestly though it’s just annoying when a girl speaks to you or invites you to go out, only because you have a car and she and her friends need a ride.

Sure you can pat yourself and say “I’m a good guy and I’m just helping my friend out”; but at the end of the day, you know for a fact that she doesn’t see you as anything more than just a guy she can use.

- I honestly appreciate all of your comments! Please do know that this is not a generalization of all Pinays and it can certainly apply to other nationality and men as well. It has been observed however that a lot Pinay women do exhibit these traits. Guys are definitely no exception, and we have annoying habits as well; sometimes far worse than girls > 10 Types of Pinoy Men That Can Be Really Annoying

Photo monkey queen by Lawrence Wang under license cc2

The 10 types of Pinay girls that can be really annoying! Reviewed by Florence on 2:43 PM Rating: 5


  1. I definitely can understand the over selfie part. Lalo na kung ang puro post nya pictures lang nya.... narcissist lang!

  2. It's so very funny that some of the types are very true when i'm with my girlfriend. And it's really annoying.

  3. Wow, this is really sexist and judgmental.

    1. Chillax, it's not about every girl (defnitely the majority though), but judging from your comment, i bet you're number 1 - Little Miss Perfect... realize it and change it while you still can! =D

    2. Lol.. broken hearted kba? ikaw yata iniwan nang girl friend na ganyan ang ugali and now bitter ka! :p

    3. its either this person is a girl or hindi niya napag daanan ung mga pinag dadaanan nating mga guys..

    4. Sexist and judgemental - True.. very true.

      To hell with what this d-bag thinks about how ladies should conduct themselves. He doesn't speak for each and every Pinoy guy in this country and around the world.

  4. Majority of this post is what you think what women think. More like, reversed bittering (by ramonbautista)

  5. Everyone is entitled to their opinion :-)

  6. It's the first time I've read an article coming from Manila Bro, and I very much disliked this one. Seems like the person who wrote this just had a break-up. The "supporting" statements are obnoxious.

    1. Try reflecting a little, hehehe! XD Truth hurts, but it would definitely help your once you realized what category you're in. =)

    2. ouch ! nataman ka bakit di ka umilag? :)

  7. FYI, women are not here to please you. Get over yourself. Can't believe this article is published.

    1. Tama bruh. di ka pinanganak na maging blessing sa mga kababaihan sa pinas at kung saang dako ng mundo. Get over yourself and STFU.

  8. Wait wait wait, let me write something about men! kekeke

  9. I agree with some of the things written here. The writer never said that every girl is like this.. It is not a generalization. I honestly can find two characteristics here that my current girlfriend has.. I love her just the same. It's all about acceptance. Nonetheless.. If you're a girl and you're reading this and you think it's about you.. Then perhaps you should start to think if you are indeed getting on people's nerves.

  10. This isn't exclusive to Filipino girls. This list can apply to any one nationality. Also, while the entries on this list are pretty much agreeable, "Some of us men actually still do expect our ladies to be like, well… ladies!" is pretty chauvinist. What does being a 'lady' entail in the first place? Do you expect women to be demure, "lady-like", and submissive, pure of heart, mind and tongue that they don't use any sort of crude and unclassy language? If a woman prefers to converse with her peers in gay lingo or whatever sort of vernacular, that is absolutely none of your business.

  11. hahaha im a girl. and sometimes i see myself in one of the category, the competitive amazona, but i always try my best not to be that kind of girl that you think. im competitive in a way that my pride sucks, that i want to have all the things i really like to come from my own pocket. but as i said, i always try not to be too greedy. HAHAHAHA. and all the things that this article said, lets be honest, its the reality. i dont judge girls but sometimes it shows to them. but its fine. we all have our own personality. we just have to accept one another. :)))))))

  12. Wow. I recommend My App Girlfie for you, my friend.

  13. I don't understand why girls would be angry about this, it's not a generalization, these are just examples so why the hate? and I fit into one of them, I am the one who's always late never on time. LOL

    1. Truee hahah same here i don't find this offensive well truth hurts.. Hahaha lalo na sa "on the way na ko wait lang aah?"

  14. 20 y/o girl, so proud that I'm not like any of those girls :D

    1. WOWWW you're so different and unique. YOU'RE A SPECIAL SNOWFLAKE WHOOAAA

  15. Im number 3
    Hindi naman palagi (bekimon) pero may mga instances

  16. I don't like the fact that those traits appeared as if only female Filipinos have them. ANYONE, EVEN MEN can have one or more of those 10 traits on the list -__- I expected more in this blog post.

  17. speak for yourself. well

  18. Like SRSLY? I'm Miss Never on time. HAHAHA. Sorry! I just don't want to wait for someone to long kaya naman I end up always being the one whose late. HAHAHA. It hurts you know <///3

  19. The writer should get over himself. Haha.

  20. While reading it naiimagine ko each type of girl hahah especially the number 3 hahaha

  21. I find these things annoying kahit sa mga girl-friends ko. -.-
    I'm a girl too, thank you for pulling these things in your site, it will be really helpful when I already got a boyfriend..haha.
    Btw, i really had a hard time reading your work. im reading through mobile and i this vertical advertisement on the right side keeps on blocking the other parts. But, still, i did my best to read everything because this is really interesting. ��

    1. Thanks for bringing this to my attention. Appreciate it!

  22. Oh wow, let me go change who I am because a guy tells me to do so. Dude, even if you say this isn't meant to be sexist, the fact that the target is females makes it so. These characteristics can be annoying on anyone, not just girls. Take a step back and think about how you're coming across.

  23. women aren't created to please guys like you, bakit kailangan pa namin maglive up sa standards na binibigay ninyong mga "guys" para lang di kami matawag na annoying? We can do whatever the hell we want as long as we don't offend anyone. to hell with what you think. Before you search for a perfect girl na hindi nalelate, hindi unladylike, etc. Make sure youre perfect muna.

  24. Guys understand this.. But telling what time you will really arrive helps.. Then if he's late.. You can definitely be angry at him for the rest of the day :p


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